Monday, March 1, 2021

Opportunities for architecture and urban design in South Korea (sector study) - 3 March, 2021


Source: pixabay

In South Korea, a lot is being built and old neighborhoods are in need of renovation. This offers opportunities for Dutch architects! In the session ''Opportunities for architecture and urban design in South Korea'' during the Business Week Taiwan & South Korea, Dutch architects share their experiences and the results of a study on the opportunities in Korea are presented. The session is online On 3 March from 10:00-11:00.(NL time) For the program and sign up, go to:

Suite 1705, Officia Building, 92, Saemunan-roJongno-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 03186 

서울시종로구새문안로92 광화문오피시아빌딩, 1705Tel: +82-2-737-3222,